CTEP Branches and Offices
Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD

Associate Branch Chief for
Pediatric Oncology
Dr. Smith is Associate Branch Chief, Pediatrics in the Clinical Investigations Branch [Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute (NCI)]. Dr. Smith has been a member of CTEP since 1990 and during his years at CTEP has focused on developing NCI’s preclinical and clinical research programs for children with cancer.
Dr. Smith serves as the Program Director and primary NCI liaison to childhood cancer investigators in the Children’s Oncology Group, focusing primarily on hematologic malignancies and brain cancers. He also serves as the Program Director for the Children’s Oncology Group Phase 1/Pilot Consortium and serves as the NCI Scientific Coordinator for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium, and he is the NCI Project Officer for the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program. Dr. Smith is a member of the NCI PDQ Pediatric Editorial Board and the Editorial Board of Pediatric Blood and Cancer, and NCI’s Drug Development Group, which reviews investigational agents proposed for NCI clinical development.
Dr. Smith has graduate degrees from Harvard University (M.A.) and Washington University (Ph.D.). He obtained his M.D. degree from the Medical College of Georgia and completed his Pediatric Residency training at Geisinger Medical Center and his Pediatric Hematology/Oncology fellowship training at the Pediatric Branch of the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Smith is Board certified in Pediatrics and in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.
Dr. Smith’s NCI achievements have been recognized by five Public Health Service Commendation Medals and by the NIH Director’s Award. He is the author of over 80 original publications in the field of childhood cancer and clinical trials. He has also authored 22 book and monograph chapters, and he served as an editor for the Cancer Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents: United States SEER Program 1975-1995 monograph.
Contact Information:
National Cancer Institute
9609 Medical Center Dr., MSC 9739
For USPS: Bethesda, MD 20892-9739
For Express and Courier: Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-276-6560
Fax: 240-276-7892
E-mail: smithm@ctep.nci.nih.gov
About the Branch Chief
Meg Mooney, MD, MS, is the Associate Director of the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD), at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and she is also the Chief of the Clinical Investigations Branch (CIB) in CTEP.