CTEP Branches and Offices
Shanda Finnigan, MPH, RN, CRCC

Associate Branch Chief for Informatics
Shanda Finnigan, MPH, RN, CRCC, is the Associate Branch Chief for Informatics in the Clinical Trials Operations and Informatics Branch (CTOIB) where she advises CTEP on various IT and process-related initiatives.
Her current duties also include a leadership role in Adverse Event reporting/review, process analysis, data management, data analysis and data mining. In addition, she provides some oversight of the CTEP Information Technology (IT) and Cancer Trials Support Unit contracts and advises CTEP on various IT and process-related initiatives.
Ms. Finnigan joined the National Cancer Institute in 2003, first as a contractor serving as Deputy Program Manager, then Co-Program Manager for the Protocol and Information Office (PIO). In 2006, she became a federal employee.
Ms. Finnigan began her career as a practicing RN in oncology and then moved to clinical research at a small non-profit conducting multi-center clinical trials in oncology and gerontology and at various times served as research nurse, clinical research associate, data manager, and data analyst.
About the Branch Chief
Michael Montello, PharmD, MBA, has been with CTEP for 25+ years. He has led or participated in dozens of major initiatives and projects during his career. More…